Friday, March 26, 2010

The Art of Folding Clothes

front pattern

back pattern

The pink lines are the lines that indicate where to fold. I am considerimg using EL wire for this as it will provide very clear lines to follow and is visually very strong. This concept allows the user to follow a easy to follow step process to fold their clothes into tidy stacks. So, initally the first EL wire is lit up for the first stage. The conditions which turn this light on will be controlled by a light sensor and a timer for the arduino. When the first fold is complete, the circuit will connect which will set the next EL wire to light up. By following this process after the last fold all the lights will be off and you will have a nicely folded teeshirt.

I will investigate conductive inks and paint possibly screen printed on because they are flexible and more relevant with electronic garments

Another option is to change the shirt from being off to on for night. By following all of these steps to turn on the light. Then you could stack them up to form a night light. Just an option to consider.

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